Sunday, March 25, 2012

This Means War


Chris Pine and Tom Hardy - let me just say HUBBA HUBBA :) Looking at them definitely added to the pleasure of the movie.  Of course the movie had a lot of unrealistic CIA scenes in it but what girl doesn't want some knight in shining arm to fight for her. I found myself laughing and really falling for both guys. You are bound to cheer secretly for one guy or the other. My crush was on Tuck (Tom Hardy). There is was scene in the movie where he was soaked in water and his muscles are looking scrumptious. I am also a sucker for a devoted father and tattoos. So I'm on Team Tuck if you haven't guessed by now. Which team will you be on?

Anyway if you are lucky to still have the movie in your area - call your girlfriends and go catch a matinee. Or definitely rent it this summer when it comes out on DVD.

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